Views of Soweto

In August 2014, soon after Chris and I arrived in South Africa, we visited Soweto.  I didn’t previously know that the name of the township was made up of the English words SOuth WEstern TOwnship.

Volunteering or Voluntourism?

This post first appeared in Retirement and Good Living blog.   Whether retired baby-boomers or gap-year kids, it seems more and more people are getting involved in international volunteering. What is it, and how do you choose which project to get involved in?

Duck confit anyone?

Who says English food isn’t good? We visited the Real Food Market on London’s South Bank, for lunch today, and it was awesome! A collection of pop-up food stalls, with a seating area, with the most amazing smells wafting around! Korean burritos, Indian street food, mulled wine and Turkish delight.

Postcards from Venice

Reminiscing, looking back in my files, and I see that I didn’t post anything about glorious Venice, La Serenissima… Chris and I spent a few days there at the end of May 2014, and it is everything that you think it is, and more!