Las baulas y las hormigas

(header photo courtesy of Miriam Girasol) The Leatherbacks and the Ants! I am coming to terms with leaf-cutter ants coming into our cabin at night, and walking their endless trail up and down the door with their carefully cut pieces of leaf ready to feed their fungus.


Blue Creek Canopy Tour, oh wow, what a blast, what a wonderful experience!! Blue Creek village is in the Toledo district of southern Belize, and is a Mayan village. PG Tours can book this experience and more for you and your family.

Mayan ruins of Lubaantun

The Mayan ruins of Lubaantun (“the place of the fallen stones”) are in southern Belize, in the Toledo District, just outside the village of San Pedro Colombia. The ruins are quiet and peaceful, surrounded by deep, lush jungle.  There is debate about what these buildings were, why they were built, why the society that lived here didn’t… Continue reading Mayan ruins of Lubaantun

PG Day 2015!

Yesterday was the 118th anniversary of PG Day, celebrating the establishment of the town of Punta Gorda, Belize. Punta Gorda is the southernmost town in the small central American country of Belize, close to the border with both Guatemala and Honduras. There are at least five distinct cultures who make their home here.