During our visit to New Orleans we only had one day when we could take a trip up a bayou, and as luck would have it, the weather was cold and damp. Quite rightly, Danila felt it wasn’t a good idea for her to go, while she was still not fully recovered from bronchitis, so… Continue reading A cold – but fun – day on the Bayou!
The Truth about Southern Hospitality!
This post was inspired by Bruce, owner of Jaco’s Tacos in Jackson Mississippi. Thank you for your company and true Southern hospitality, Bruce! (scroll to the end of this post to read more about Bruce!)
Palo Duro, the secret grand canyon!
Palo Duro Canyon State Park, just a short drive south of Amarillo Texas, in my opinion, should be as well known and well visited as its cousin the Grand Canyon to the west in Arizona. It is gorgeous, stunning, beautiful, amazing! No, it’s not as deep as the Grand Canyon, but you can drive to… Continue reading Palo Duro, the secret grand canyon!
Rocks by wind and water
While we were staying in Santa Fe New Mexico, our gracious host took us out hiking to an amazing place called Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks National Monument.