The Mayan ruins of Lubaantun (“the place of the fallen stones”) are in southern Belize, in the Toledo District, just outside the village of San Pedro Colombia. The ruins are quiet and peaceful, surrounded by deep, lush jungle. There is debate about what these buildings were, why they were built, why the society that lived here didn’t apparently stay long. There is lots of debate.
You can book this, and many other amazing experiences with PG Tours.

The ruins have been dated to 700-900 AD, and the area is believed to have been an “administrative, religious, political, and commercial center, mainly used for occasional festivals, ball games, and other sacred ceremonies.”
There is also talk of a crystal skull, that was supposedly found here. F. A. Mitchell-Hedges, the archaeologist while excavating in 1926, had it made and placed in the ruins for his daughter Anna, to find on her birthday. However, further research has shown that this might not be true! One view: it’s old…. or maybe it’s new…
It was remarkable to see how beautifully the stones at Lubaantun had been made and faced, and shaped to fit together with no mortar between them to bind the stones.

The ruins of Lubaantun are a beautiful, peaceful place, in the jungle, with the additional mysteries, of who, why and when… and the Crystal Skull! Well worth a visit!
If you’re visiting southern Belize, check out PG Tours, based in Punta Gorda. The best place to book the best tours around PG!
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Looks like a wonderful place to visit. I love how nature reclaims man made structures and turns them into something new and beautiful.
Thanks for sharing. X
it’s a lovely place! Thanks for reading and commenting! 🙂